Sapat Olympiads


Hello students,

Participating in the Republican, National, and International Olympiads is a big advantage here at the "Sapat" International Educational Institution. So, getting ready for these Olympiads is also crucial. 

Why? Because doing well in local and international Olympiads can greatly improve your chances of getting into local and international universities. Plus, the knowledge and skills you gain while preparing for these competitions will be valuable in your future career.

So, we wish you success on this challenging but exciting journey ahead. Congratulations on taking the first step!


Prep for Olympiads

Our success!

Азамат Саламатов

Химия (ICHO 2022)
коло медал

Данияр бейшекеев

Информатика (IOI 2022)
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Биология (IBO 2022)
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Tенгиз Беккоёнов

Информатика (IOI 2022)
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Айдар Мундузбаев

Информатика (IOI 2022)
коло медал

Иван Решетников

Химия (ICHO 2022)
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